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Office Spaces


All ITS offices will be getting a fresh coat of paint in a lighter, brighter whitish hue. The color is officially named WSU White Wing.

We are getting close to being done with all of the painting.

The painting will be done in five phases with each phase taking approximately two weeks.

Here is a breakdown of rooms by phase.



Swing spaces

We have begun moving people into swing space. So far, it seems to be going well. Currently, people have been out of their offices for about two weeks. A listing of who is in what current swing spaces can be found on the painting page of this website.

As the swing space will be group space without lots of additional space, we ask that you only take your phone, computer and one box of essentials. And please remember, after we finish using swing spaces they will become someone’s permanent  office. In an effort to give everyone fresh new offices, please refrain from putting any items up on the swing space walls.

When moving out of the swing spaces people will move into their new location or back into their same office if they aren’t changing locations.


Assistance with moves

We have a great crew who will be helping with the moves – Beaux Burnham, Amelia Poole and Brandon Santana. We will be coordinating the moves with Desktop Support and Network Operations to get you up and running in the swing spaces and your final office.

When preparing for painting, rooms will need to have all personal and nonessential items boxed and stored. The crew is available to help you prepare for the moves. They can provide you with boxes and will take care of moving the boxes to secure storage until you move out of the swing space to your office.



We are working on the furniture orders with both Workpointe (KI) and Systems Source (Knoll). The furniture will take between six and eight weeks to arrive. So we expect that we will start seeing the furniture arrive toward the end of November.


Flooring / Carpeting

Carpet has arrived. Installation should begin by the end of October and be completed by the end of December.